Thursday, June 14, 2012

Web Literacy

It is important as a teacher to teach web literacy.  In today's world, more and more students are having to use the internet or other forms of technology for schoolwork and other reasons.  According to the article Why More Schools Aren't Teaching Web Literacy-- and How they Can Start, most students do not know how to code information on the internet.  Because schools often block sites that are not credible, students are unable to decipher credible information from incorrect information.  These students are not taught how to decipher this information, and it is important for teachers to teach students how to do  this on their own, instead of relying on the computers to block the non credible websites.  As a teacher, it is important for me to be web literate so I can better teach my students. 

Students also must be taught the proper use of search engines and research tools.  Most students rely on one single search engine.  Students should know how to use a variety of search engines, and how to properly search using these tools.  Students should know how to use proper language and decide which information is appropriate to use in the instance.  Students may struggle to understand the information they find and organize it in a way that it can be useful to both them and others. 

Technology is becoming prevalent in the world  and in the classroom.  It is very important for students to understand how to use this technology to better their education and lives.  Teachers must teach this information to their students. 

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