Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Vision of K-12 Students Today

The YouTube video, A Vision of K-12 Students Today- 2011, was very informative and eye opening.   This video pointed out how necessary  it was to incorporate technology in the classroom, but also how technology  is not being incorporated as it should be.Between 2004 and 2014, 5 of the 15 fastest growing jobs will be in the computer field.  Today's students will be faced with more jobs in the technology field than ever before.  It is now more important than ever to prepare these students for these jobs they will hold in the future.  Teaching students technology  education does not only teach them how to use a computer, but it can help students improve math skills, study skills, foreign language, reading comprehension, and critical thinking skills.  All of these skills will be crucial for students entering in the technology field, or just having a professional job.  The U.S. is behind in scores in science, literacy, and mathematics. 24 countries hold higher scores in mathematics than the U.S.  11 countries hold higher scores in literacy than the U.S.  This is because more students are spending time with entertainment media such as video games and television than they are reading.  If technology was used more in the classroom, students would be more interested and inclined to participate, thus raising scores.  29% of teachers rarely use technology. This was shocking to me, because technology is so important in today's world.

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