Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Future Full of Badges

According to the article, A Future Full of Badges,colleges are beginning to give out badges as a rewardsystem for classes, grades, and other achievements.  It is a similar system to girl scout's badges.  Students are given an electronic "badge" for completing classes, grades, training and competitions.  Soon, it will not be limited to colleges handing out these badges. Badges will be given for competitions and other achievements.  This badge system can have both good and bad effects.
Badges could help give students something to work toward.  They also give employers a more overview of the applicant's accomplishments.  This gives the employers a better idea of what skills the applicant has than a traditional resume or transcript.
Badges can also have a negative sidde.  When students earn badges for training, it is difficult to tell whether this training is legitamate or good training.  Badges handed out by organizations other than colleges may not be earned or as valuable as others.  It may become so trivial that badges become no longer meaningful.

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