Thursday, June 21, 2012

Children's Internet Protection Act

The Children's Internet Protection Act requires schools and libraries to filter out certain websites and sets other requirements on the internet.  Schools must monitor students using the internet by students.  It now requires schools to provide education on online safety and cyberbullying.  If schools fail to do this, they will not be eligible for E-Rate funding or discounts.  This would require teachers to be educated on online safety and cyberbullying.  According to the article, the new rules are vague and do not give a way of how to teach this to students.  Though this may be a difficult rule to enforce, I believe it is very important for students to be taught online safety and about cyberbullying.  They are headed into a very technical world and will need to know how to use technology.  It is also dangerous for young students who do not know about the possible  dangers of the internet.  Many students do not understand how dangerous the internet is and how it is not at all private.  It would really benefit students to receive this type of education.

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