Thursday, June 14, 2012


Gamification is using elements of games in situation that are not gaming.  This can definitely be used in classrooms.  Students enjoy games; most of their time is spent playing games.  Using elements of games in situations such as contests, leader boards, or other game like situations can help students focus and hold their interests.  I would definitely consider using this in my own classroom.  Students can receive recognition through this, thus giving them more confidence to continue their success.  I could see how this would really work with students who are shy or struggling.  School should not be some boring place where students are constantly forced to sit and listen to a teacher talk for hours.  Interactive lessons, such as using game elements in a lesson, can really help students.  It should be done carefully, though.  Some students may begin working toward the reward, and not caring about the work they are producing.  If students are asked to read so many books for a contest, they may begin just scanning through the books quickly and not taking the time needed to truly understand what they are reading.  As long as this tool is used properly, it can be a very useful tool in a classroom.

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