Thursday, July 12, 2012

Why Flipped Classrooms are Here to Stay

The article Why Flipped Classrooms are Here to Stay introduced the idea of “flipped classrooms.”  Flipped classrooms are classrooms in which lecture is recorded and sent as homework, and problems and hands-on work are done in the classroom during the day.  This gives students the opportunity to ask questions while they are trying to solve difficult problems.  Though this concept has provided good results through higher test scores, I believe it has both good and bad results.
One good thing about flipped classrooms is that students enjoy online video.  Youtube has proven that young students can spend hours watching online videos.  Having the lectures recorded also gives students the opportunity to stop, pause, rewind, or rewatch the lectures.  This can help in understanding and studying.  It also helps while students are taking notes.
Not all about this concept sounds good, however.  Students cannot stop the teacher and ask questions during the lecture.  The student will have to wait until class to ask any questions.  It also gives the student the opportunity to not watch the lecture, and just figure out the questions on his own. Many students may look at this as an easy way out instead of taking the time to take notes and watch  the videos.

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