Thursday, July 19, 2012


                The introductory video, in which we introduced ourselves through a short video, collaborates with the NETS-T standard 3C.  This standard states that students should “communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital age media and formats.”  I believe this standard applies because students are communicating facts about themselves through a form of media.  This media used is video.  This could definitely be used in my future classrooms.  Young students would enjoy creating their own personal video, and it could be used to introduce students and “break the ice.”  It also gives students experience using this kind of technology.   I enjoyed this activity.  It was a different way to introduce myself than the standard paragraph or introductory speech.   I would enjoy using this in my future classroom.
                The concept map collaborates with the NETS-T standard 1C which states “Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes.”  Through this activity, students are able to plan using a creative process.  Concept maps can be used for planning when writing a research paper, or for getting students to put on paper what they already know.  This is best used for brainstorming and can allow students to creatively put down what they already know.  This is something I would be able to use in my future classroom.  Students can write out a concept map on paper, or form one on the computer.  This would allow students to use technology to brainstorm and think through a topic using a creative means.  I enjoyed this activity.  I have created many concept maps in the past.  I have never, however, created a concept map on the computer using that particular software.  This was a fun and simple way to create a concept map, and I would want to share it with future students.
                Creating a movie on Windows Movie Maker was a unique activity.  This activity collaborates with NETS-T standard 3D which states “model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning.”  Students can use this form of technology to create a video supporting research and what they have learned.  This is a creative way for students to show what they have learned to others and reinforce what has been taught.  This is a very useful tool that students can use to show what they have learned, and I would use it in my future classroom.  Students need different ways to show what they have learned. Not all students enjoy writing reports or papers; creating a video can help students express what they have learned in a more creative, technologically advanced way.  I, personally, enjoyed this activity.  Though I found it a little difficult, I believe it would be a very useful tool in an elementary classroom.
                Voki was a web tool that has many uses in a classroom.  This activity collaborates with NETS-T standard 2A which states for teachers to “design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.” Voki is a digital tool teachers can use to create a creative way for students to learn.  Teachers can create vokis or have students create these avatars to teach a lesson or tell about an educational topic.  This is a creative way for students to use digital tools to learn about topics such as history.  It is something I enjoyed creating.  It was fun to create a voki, and interesting to see how they can be used in the classroom.  I would definitely like to use this tool in my future classroom.  It is a way for students to learn in a creative and fun way.
                Exploring the Web 2.0 websites showed several different teaching tools that could be useful.  This activity collaborates with NETS-T standard 2C. This standard states for teachers to “customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources. “  Teachers can use these websites to find tools that work for students with a variety of learning styles and interests.  Using these technology tools can really appeal to students and make learning interesting and fun.  As a future teacher, I want to engage my students, and I believe these websites can really give me some tools necessary to engage even the most disinterested students.  I enjoyed looking through many of these websites and seeing how they work.  Many of them I will be using in the future.

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