Thursday, July 19, 2012

Gaming to Re-engage Boys in Learning

The video, Gaming to Re-engage Boys in Learning, discusses the fact that boys are not engaged in the classroom. Statistically boys are falling behind in schools.  It is believed that boys spend more time playing video games, but this is not the cause for boys to be behind.  There are many reasons boys are behind.  Boys cannot rough house; there is zero tolerance for any form of violence or talking of violence.  They are not allowed to write about video games because of violence.  They must write about what the teacher asks them to.  There are also fewer male teachers.  There are no male role models in the classroom.  This shows students that males do not belong in school and are not to be smart.  Curriculum is also faster and more difficult.  Because of this, boys are significantly behind; they cannot keep up. 

Learning games can be designed to better fit what boys enjoy.  This would enable boys to enjoy learning.  Male teachers should also be encouraged.  This video shows how boys are behind and future teachers, like myself, should be aware and do what they can to fix this.  Boys should be allowed to be boys, and teachers should use this to teach  them in a way they would understand.

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